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Expeditions | Wild Exposure Inc

(Peter Dombrovskis)


My fellow adventurers and I have traveled along many such wilderness rivers over the years with expeditions in many states of Australia. We not only relish the ‘time’ we spend in such remote settings but we also enjoy spreading the good word from such adventures, to hopefully inspire other adventurous folk to do the same.

Following is some of the ‘tales’ of our little adventures. Hopefully they do inspire you……or at least allow you to be a ‘lounge kayaker’ until you journey down the next flowing postcard……

Click on a title below to be taken on that journey!

Enjoy 🙂


Gordon River Splits


Big River Expedition (Upper Mitta Mitta River) Gordon River Splits


Dargo River Expedition


Siberia ‘Road of Bones’ Expedition


Drysdale River Expedition (Kimberleys)


Franklin River Expedition


Denison River Expedition


Snowy River


Murray River Source To Sea


Upper Wongungarra


Arm River Waterfalls


Upper Caledonia River

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