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Wild Mentoring

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


Is your child struggling?


Do they seem lost, confused and dis-connected?


And you’ve tried so hard to help but

nothing seems to work?


Surely there is something that can help to re-ignite the fire in their soul?


To help re-capture their

joy for life…..?

Welcome to

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


We at Wild Exposure

‘show up’

 in a child’s life.

And that can make all the difference.


Hi – I’m Ro (Director at Wild Exposure).

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc

Nice to meet you and thank you for your time.


Myself and my inspirational team at Wild Exposure offer something very unique, very powerful, yet very simple.


Something that has stood the test of time for indigenous cultures.


We don’t venture down the often un-inspiring rabbit hole of endless indoor therapy and psychoanalysis.

(with all due respect to such wonderful therapists)


Nope. We immerse your child in an environment that hopefully connects them. Proven* to make them feel alive again. To feel truly themselves again.

*Click here for research papers (but you ‘feel’ this to be true anyway)


N a t u r e 


Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


The wonders of nature has proven itself.

Time and time again.


It has been an essential part of us since the dawn of time.


We came from nature.


It’s why we have pictures of wilderness on our walls.


That is why we are all galvanised by the sight of an eagle.


It’s in us.


Yet, never in history have we been so dis-connected  from it.


We don’t even need to tell you this – because deep down you know it’s true. You feel it’s true


Is it a mere co-incidence that mental and physical health is at an all time low at the same time that connection to nature is at an all time low?

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc

is simply this;


Combining the wonders and healing power of nature with caring mentors on ‘Wild days’ that can safely hold space for your child.


What is the most important thing you can give yourself and someone else?


We give your child exactly that.


Wild days’ are spent doing wild activities like rafting, canoeing, bushwalking, abseiling and mountain biking. As well as being crazy fun, they provide a medium to simply ‘hang out’. Light a fire, chill, laugh and listen to their story. We accept them. Connect to them. Build rapport and trust. We help them to rebuild their own  lives.


Not only are we qualified instructors, but we are also trained in various life coaching and emotional intelligence skills, so we organically weave that interaction into the experience.


Mentoring subtly through the conversations and the storytelling. Listening for dis-empowering dialogue. Hearing their dis-empowering beliefs. Observing their body language.


Every child is different.


Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc

When you know someone’s story – you can empathise with them & get to know the real ‘them’.


Their stories, their chosen words and their underlying emotions organically guiding what conversations we need to share and experience.


All done at a pace and in a supportive environment where……….


It sinks in.


 Nature weaves its magic. And we simply hold them safely in that space.


No mentor has all the answers or nor should they. The answers need to come from within, so it’s imperative to create an environment that enables this to happen organically, where we can hold radical honesty and ask the right questions.


The best part is that….it’s also



Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


Natural Endorphins put a sparkle back in their eyes.


How do we know that this approach works? Well, not only is it well documented and proven in literature but…..I know it works from personal experience.


Storytelling is so important – so let me start with

my story….

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


Since I was young, I have been battling fatigue and Lyme disease. Frustrated. Angry. Lost. Alone.

It took me on a very challenging path of radical honesty. In the end I had to question everything and empty my cup so to speak. And in doing so, I had to discover who I was at a deeper level.  This took me on a journey of powerful discovery. It was hard. Very Hard. ‘Unpacking’ what society had led me to believe. Questioning everything takes a lot of courage and it’s scary. But I was more scared of not changing than changing.

I remembered what invigorated me as a child and so I made a commitment to get back to that – nature. So much so, my mates and I re-immersed ourselves back in wilderness kayaking expeditions and journeys. We came home to ourselves. This holistic passion rapidly overflowed (so to speak) into a moving 25 minute feature film of these wild journeys of ours. The importance of Nature Connection. Please watch the trailer below or click on this link for the full length film.


This documentary encapsulates what we at Wild Exposure believe in whole heartedly and how committed we are to making a difference.


Storytelling and sharing experiences in nature


No gimmicks. No lecturing. Just a shared experience that is genuine, connecting, acknowledging and healing.

Once you are clear about who you really are, the rest falls into place. This is your resting ground, your true home that is with you in every moment.


Sounds good right?

OK – so some ‘nuts and bolts’. What specific experience and qualifications do we have and what will your child receive?

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc




First and foremost – we believe a lot of things happen for a reason. While my Lyme disease/ fatigue/ mental health problems were a very challenging journey, it was and still is a course paved with many silver linings. Not only did it provide powerful clarity on who I am, but what better way to understand other people’s challenges than to experience the depths of what they are going through?


In seeking clarity and understanding to my own challenges, I have wholeheartedly invested in many holistic practices and training to achieve those silver linings. So, in my mentoring role, as your child tells their story, I pay attention to such things as:

Triggers, gatekeepers and personal boundaries

Disempowering language and life patterns

Conditioning, limiting or negative beliefs, trauma and unresolved dramas

The Ego’s traps

Relative truths Vs Ultimate truths

Read their body language and body signals (what is the truth behind their chosen words, tone of voice and body cues etc)

And much more….


And, where necessary, subtly apply techniques, theory and practices of:

Storytelling (getting their story out)

Self intelligence/ self alignment

Reading your child’s emotional anatomy (the body gives physical clues to emotional imbalances)

Apply the wise theory of world leading mentors eg.

(Chris Knight, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Dr Hawkins)

Nature immersion/ therapy

Guided meditation

Self Acknowldgement

The biology of belief/ power of intentions

Physical Health restoration

Identify and awaken their passions

Simply getting away from it all and HAVING FUN!

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc


Our formal and personal Qualifications and experience include:

Outdoor Education Teachers/ Instructors (for 25 years +)

(Ro: Degree in Environmental Science, Diploma of Outdoor Education)

Working With Children Check

Nationally accredited rafting and canoeing instructors, climbing and abseiling instructors, bushwalking and caving guides

Wilderness first aid

Emotional Anatomy/ Self Intelligence training

Right Of Passage training

8 Shields Cultural Mentoring System/ Holistic tracking training

Qualified and registered teachers in Victoria & Tasmania

Health mentoring and assessment to help facilitate a healthier lifestyle and nutrition (30 years of extensive health management from travelling the globe for world leading treatments for Lyme disease/ fatigue)

Environmental Film producers

Wilderness Seekers/ Fundraising expeditions

(competence in challenging wilderness environments)

Expeditions include:

Paddling the entire 2500km of the Murray river

Mountain bike expedition through remote Siberia

Numerous white water kayaking expeditions around Australia (eg. South West Tasmania, Kimberleys WA)

(For more information and formal certificates about Ro – visit his BIO)



We also recognise when the need for further specialist intervention is required and we are in contact with some amazing therapists/ counsellors and life coaches who can work specifically one on one at a deeper level.



Interested?! What have you got to loose?


How do we get the ball rolling?


Like so many holistic ventures, it all starts with connection.

Get in touch with us and let’s have an open phone call or cuppa. No commitment. Naturally – this phone call is free. Just an opportunity to share and discuss a possible approach tailored to your child. To come to an arrangement.

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc



The next step at this stage is a ‘meet up’ or ‘Wild day’ with your child. To establish some rapport, have some fun and basically ‘chew the fat’.


From there, it’s a dynamic, flexible and tailored process of discussions/ feedback with yourself/ the parent while continuing ‘Wild days’ where possible.


As every child is different, we can also support and nurture them with some additional online life coaching resources.


Sustained change often requires an on-going effort, so we recommend sticking to a routine of at least a few months to begin with.

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc

So how much does it cost?


We are well & truly aware that money doesn’t grow on trees, so we at Wild Exposure just kindly ask for industry standard pay rates for Instructors and Outdoor Education teachers. To sustain our livelihood of making a difference but also being considerate to our clients. 


$350 per day + fuel/ any equipment hire costs.


We normally prefer one on one (your child with one of us mentors) but we are open to 1 or 2 more children depending on activity and dynamics which can also aid affordability.


If you can’t afford this rate – we can look at other options.


At any stage, with sufficient notice, you are welcome to discuss/ alter/ cease the arrangement.


Either way – please get in touch and let’s have a chinwag!

Let us finish by saying:

‘When you live and speak from a place of truth (notice I didn’t say preach or convince), you create an INVITATION for those around you to enter’

Thank you for your time 🙂

Wild Mentoring | Wild Exposure Inc

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