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Murray River Guide

Murray River Guide

Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc


Not sure on how to do it?

Then this Guide will help float your 2500km journey!

Read on….


Paddling the whole Murray River


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Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

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Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

$30.00 + GST

PDF document

‘Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life…..’



Giving time to yourself & to your friends is so very important to a fulfilling life. So, the moment had come that my cousin & I had to seize upon our dream of journeying down the majestic  Murray River – in our quest to not only find out more about the river but to also find out more about ourselves.





So, in 2005 – we embarked upon that quest – MurrayQuest (www.murrayquest.com). Most importantly, we desire to raise important awareness of this – suffocating lifeblood river of southern Australia. It was no doubt the journey of a lifetime…..something that we eternally treasure & will never forget. Since that ‘flowing postcard’ finished not only have we had the strong memories & learnings of that trip to further inspire us but further fueling life’s inspiration is how we have been able to assist others in their own journey of discovery down the Murray.


We routinely receive emails & phone calls asking for advice on how to do it & how to avoid getting moldy toes! This has become a pleasurable ongoing request…..so much so that we’ve decided to develop a little ‘how to’ guide that provides a comprehensive outline of how we did it…..so we can better spread the word & inspire your own journey. No doubt, there are many ways to skin a cat & by no means do we prescribe that our way is the only way so please develop a user friendly approach that works for you but our guide provides a good understanding & platform of such things as:

  • smart boat choice

  • trip timing (at times of year – the dams stop releasing their flows!)

  • route planning & maps

  • paddling techniques

  • hazards (techniques & know how to deal with logs and hazards)

  • communications

  • camping considerations

  • training and preparation suggestions

  • customising your body & boat for endurance paddling

  • water quality & treatment

  • equipment choices (to avoid bulk & weight)

  • food choices (healthy but avoiding bulk & weight)

  • distances between towns & services

  • Lake Alexandrina

  • Rescue’s

  • Paddle Steamers

  • Flora and Fauna

  • cultural lessons & experiences to be had

  • Aboriginal connections

  • Marathon Register

  • caring for the Murray

  • Smart Phone Apps (for the Murray)

Watch the short video preview below for a sneak peak at the 50 page guide!


Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc


Josh & I have enjoyed investing an enormous amount of time & effort into such a dream & its a pleasure to be able to, in some way, assist you in your journey if possible. As much as it was a pleasure to make this document, we put our work on hold to develop it & like so many small time adventurous folk money is far from abundant (as we choose lifestyle, dreams and health over income). Resultantly, we hope its not too much to ask that you throw a few $$$ our way…..$30 that hopefully wont raise an eyebrow to you but will help support our existence and cover costs (e.g. website expenses).

 If you prefer to pay via Bank direct deposit then click below to reveal our bank details.

Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure IncMurray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

(Click here if the above button doesn’t work)

$30.00 + GST

PDF document


We’d appreciate it if you did not circulate the document once you have received it. If the document hasn’t arrived in your inbox in a day or so, please email me direct to ensure that your payment & details have gone through. Cheers…. 🙂

Murray River Guide


Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

Paddling the whole Murray River

(Only as a PDF file. This is not an actual book folks)

If no links work then please contact us and we fix links/ email you the guide 🙂

Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

For more information about the magnificent Murray – please visit http://www.murrayriver.com.au/. A very comprehensive website about everything to do with this iconic river.


Murray River App

Shane Strudwick’s Murray book is a must read!

Murray River Book : One River, Many Lands – Now only $39.95

Murray River Guide | Wild Exposure Inc

Discover Murray River Book Enjoy 172 pages of pure Murray River & Mallee beauty.  A stunning, unique look into Australia’s most important river. A great read for yourself and perfect present for anyone who loves Australia. Click here for more information and purchase. Shane Strudwick is creator of Discover Murray.  http://www.murrayriver.com.au/



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